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  • Fri, July 06, 2018 9:33 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Most online hiring plans occur via email, but when it comes to scheduling interviews, managers may want to switch to text.

    It's a job seeker's market and potential hires want to see the hiring process include reminders, text messages and other app-like bells and whistles.  Most online hiring plans occur via email, but when it comes to scheduling interviews, managers may want to switch to text.

    Full Article

  • Thu, July 05, 2018 10:14 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Firmwide Director of Attorney Recruiting
    Arnold & Porter

    How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I have been a member of WALRAA for 15 years (typing that makes me feel really old)! My favorite experiences have been serving on various WALRAA committees over the years. I've made a lot of wonderful friends and learned a lot along the way.

    How has WALRAA helped you in your field?

    WALRAA has helped keep me informed and up to date on important industry developments and provided a network of colleagues within the industry that I can turn to for perspective and advice as my career has progressed.

    How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    I was a year and a half out of college and recruiting for a small family-owned company that managed fitness centers and spas in hotels. I knew I wanted to stay in recruiting but wanted to expand my horizons. Coincidentally, my mother attended a summer associate event at my father's law firm and ended up having a long conversation with one of the attorney recruiters at the firm about what their job entailed. My mom called me that evening told me she thought it was a job that I would really enjoy and I reached out to that recruiter (who was a WALRAA member) to get more information. She told me about the WALRAA job listings and I started applying for jobs at firms shortly thereafter. I wasn't offered a job at the first firm I interview with but through WALRAA connections, I was referred to someone else who was also looking to hire someone and the rest is history! This was one of those times when mom really does know best!

    What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    It's hard to narrow it down to one moment but I think it would have to be the first time I felt like my guidance and support had a direct impact on a summer associate receiving an offer at the end of the summer. But, I have also had so many amazing moments just being in the trenches with my recruiting colleagues over the years. Those moments mean so much to me and helped keep me sane through all of the long hours and professional challenges.

    What is it that challenges you most in your job?
    In my current role, managing a team of people spread across several offices. At this point in my career, the recruiting part is easy but being sure that the team of people I am responsible for are happy and feel fulfilled by their job is definitely a daily challenge!

    How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I have no idea! If someone has this figured out, please call me to fill me in!

    What professional goals have you set for yourself this year?
    This year I am really excited about the work I am doing as a member of WALRAA's Safety & Wellness Task Force and one of the Vice Chairs of NALP's Sexual Harassment & Recruiting Conduct Work Group.

    What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Always do the right thing. It's seems pretty simple but often times it's the more difficult path.

    What do you like to do for fun?
    Quality time with my family, relax near any body of water, wine tasting and way back in the day...karaoke at NALP conferences!

    Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
    My claim to fame is that John Krasinski (Jim from The Office) was a classmate of mine in college and since my maiden name is Kraemer, our pictures were right next to each other in our college Facebook (back when it was actually a printed book that you received as a Freshman)!

  • Tue, June 19, 2018 2:25 PM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Arent Fox LLP will once again host an Evening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, featuring General Counsel and Arent Fox Partner, Gerard Leval. This year’s event takes place on Wednesday, July 11 at 5:00 PM. Below is the invite and RSVP link. Please forward to your summer associates, interns and students. Thank you in advance for your help in publicizing the event.

    If you have any questions, please contact Amber Flowers.

    Photo Credit: Timothy Hursley

    Join Us
    for an Evening at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

    Sponsored by Arent Fox

    Attorneys, summer associates, and legal interns of Washington, DC law firms and government organizations are invited to attend a program at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    Gerard Leval, General Counsel of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council and a partner at Arent Fox LLP, will discuss legal issues relating to the development of the museum and those affecting the museum’s operations since its opening in 1993.

    Senior museum officials will explain the operations of the museum and will describe the museum’s programs and activities.

    Following the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to independently tour the museum, including the permanent exhibitions and various special exhibits, which will remain open until 8:00 pm.

    Questions? Contact Libby Tracy or Amber Flowers


    Date & Time
    Wednesday, July 11
    5:00 PM - 7:30 PM

    The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
    100 Raoul Wallenberg Pl SW,
    Washington, DC 20024

    +Add to Calendar



    Smart In Your World   dc / la / ny / sf


    This communication is provided by Arent Fox LLP for educational and informational purposes only and is not legal advice or an opinion about specific facts. No attorney-client relationship is created, nor is this a solicitation or offer to provide legal services. If you have any questions about the content of this publication, please contact your Arent Fox attorney or any of the contacts listed above.

    © Copyright 2018 Arent Fox LLP. All Rights Reserved. No distribution or reproduction of this publication, or any portion thereof, is allowed without written permission of Arent Fox LLP except by recipient for internal use only within recipient's own organization.

    Arent Fox LLP

    1717 K Street, NW
    Washington, DC 20006

  • Fri, March 23, 2018 11:50 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)


    Attorney Recruiting Manager
    Crowell & Moring LLP

    How long have you been a member of WALRAA? What has been your favorite experience so far?
    I've been a member of WALRAA for an entire decade.  WALRAA has given me the opportunity to keep up with friends and former colleagues as we have changed jobs and progressed in our careers.  WALRAA is a "common ground" organization that keeps us connected. I love coming to a meeting and unexpectedly being able to catch up someone I haven't seen in years!

    How did you first learn about and get started in Attorney Recruiting/Career Services?
    Like many of us, I fell in to attorney recruiting by chance.  My first job out of college was as a paralegal.  After two years I decided I didn't want to continue in the paralegal field nor go to law school, and I sat down with a member of the HR team to ask about other opportunities.  There just happened to be a recruiting assistant position available at the firm, and I took it, having basically no idea what "attorney recruiting" even meant.  Much to my surprise, it turned out to be a good fit, and I've been in the field ever since.

    What is your favorite moment of your career so far?
    I love seeing people on my team achieve their goals and get excited about their work.  As a manager it is most rewarding when I can see someone work through a challenge, or have an "ah-ha" moment that gives them confidence and energy.  I am motivated by the success of others around me, and my favorite moments are when everyone on the team is engaged and productive and working towards a common goal.

    How do you balance your career and personal life?
    I put things like daycare pick up, gym time, and lunch with friends on my Outlook calendar.  This protects the time that I need for myself and for my family, and also reminds me when I'm having a long day and work keeps piling up, that it is important for me to take a break and go for a run or call a friend.  Visualizing those pockets of time by having them pop up on my schedule throughout the week helps me keep balance.

    What is the best professional advice you have received?
    Read everything.  This advice was given to me when I was an intern at the Department of Commerce and my job was essentially to make copies and hole punch large stacks of paper for hours on end.  My supervisor told me that the way to lend meaning to these tedious tasks was to read everything - it would keep my mind active and I just might learn something. I've found this to be useful in all of my roles: if you're typing resumes in to a database, read them.  If you're filing papers in personnel files, read them.  If your boss asks you to print out reports for a meeting, read them.  You may discover some useful information, and by keeping yourself occupied, you'll become a more integral part of your department or company.

    Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know.
    I had a college job at the National Archives, and during a building renovation we were moving the Declaration of Independence, and I was able to touch the original document.  Through a plastic sleeve, but still!

  • Fri, March 09, 2018 11:51 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    Through a reimagining of its legal spend, Avis' legal department has taken law firm convergence to the next level.

    Just a few years ago, Avis Budget Group Inc. had hired approximately 700 different law firms to do its legal work around the globe. By 2017, the international vehicle rental company cut that number drastically—down to only seven.

    Full Article

  • Tue, March 06, 2018 12:11 PM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)


    PwC research, which involved over 40,000 Millennial's representing 18 countries, found that 82% of female millennials identified an employers’ policy on diversity, inclusion and gender equality as an important factor when deciding whether or not to work for an organization.

    Once hired, how will your organization work to address these daily challenges women face both professionally and personally? Read the above infographic to learn more about these challenges and how Skillsoft's Women in Action program can support the women in your organization.

    Full Article

  • Thu, March 01, 2018 9:47 AM | Anonymous

    The conference will feature informative sessions related to hot topics and best practices of interest to all members. It will also provide a great opportunity to mix and mingle with your recruiting, professional development, and career services colleagues!


    Tuesday, March 13, 2018

    The Grand Hyatt Washington

    12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

    Approach Your Career with Confidence and Authenticity

    • Lindsey Cloud Mervis, KNP Communications
    • Alexa Polmer, KNP Communications


    1:30 pm - 3:15 pm

    Life Happens! The Impact of Personal Changes in your Professional World  

    • Emily Busse – Owner, District Legal Staffing
    • Melissa Grossman – Legal Recruiting Manager, WilmerHale
    • Traci Mundy Jenkins – Assistant Dean, Office of Career & Professional Development, American University Washington College of Law
    • Kay Nash – Chief Talent Officer, Wiley Rein LLP
    • Tacie Williams (Moderator) – Associate Recruitment Manager, Hogan Lovells LLP

    It’s Good to Be the Client: Maximizing Your Influence Over Search Firms

    • Martha Ann Sisson, Esq.,  Garrison & Sisson
    • Justine Donahue, Esq.,  Garrison & Sisson

    Can’t Always Get What You Want: Get What You Need (for Your Department or Career)

    • Vivian Wexler, Vantage Partners

    Reinventing Your Career

    • Janie Piemonte – Recruiting and Program Manager, GMU Antonin Scalia Law School
    • Timm Whitney – Chief Legal Personnel Officer, Covington & Burling

    Bringing Out Your Inner Entrepreneur

    • Jason Levin, Ready, Set, Launch
    • Lori Mihalich-Levin, Esq., Mindful Return and Dentons 

    Book Club: Transform Your Professional Development

    • Jolie Blanchard – Firm Director of Lawyer Recruiting, Jones Day


    3:30 pm - 4:15 pm

    HOT TOPIC: Addressing the Elephant: How to Bring the Conversation about Gender, Harassment, and Work to your Attorneys

    • Rachael Bosch, Fringe PD
    • Sarah Stein Professional Development Manager, Crowell & Moring LLP


    4:15 pm - 6:00 pm 

  • Tue, February 27, 2018 11:01 AM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    By Staci Zaretsky, Above The Law

    Should law students start freaking out about their future employment prospects?

    Biglaw recruitment at law schools for entry-level positions remained steady last year, but summer associate class sizes shrunk and fewer offers were handed out, indicating that law firm growth efforts may have finally petered out in the wake of the recession’s toll on attorney headcount at firms across the country.

    Full Article

  • Fri, January 26, 2018 4:34 PM | Sarah Hayden (Administrator)

    By Lizzie Widdicombe, The New Yorker

    With its emphasis on transparency, the jobs site Glassdoor aims to upend corporate power dynamics.

    One day in 2007, in Seattle, Rich Barton, the C.E.O. of the real-estate Web site Zillow, was getting ready for the company’s annual reviews. The process—talking to each employee about his or her performance and whether he or she would be getting a raise—called for discretion and tact. On his computer, he pulled up a spreadsheet containing the salary and stock options for every employee, and pressed Print. However, instead of sending the document to his personal printer, he sent it to one in the middle of the open-plan office. When Barton’s assistant realized the mistake, she rushed across the room to retrieve the document before anyone could read it. She succeeded, but the moment stayed with Barton. As he likes to tell people, it led him to wonder: why, exactly, was this information secret, aside from the fact that making it public could be extremely awkward?

    Full Article

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